Next.js dotenv file loading
The npm package "@next/env" is specifically designed for Next.js applications, offering a streamlined approach to managing environment variables. This node module simplifies the development process by automatically loading environment variables from `.env` files into the Next.js project. This functionality is crucial as it allows developers to separate secret and public configurations, depending on the development stage (development, test, production). This separation enhances security and maintains the integrity of sensitive data. Additionally, "@next/env" supports multiple `.env` files like `.env.local` or `.env.production`, providing flexibility and ease in managing configurations that vary across different environments.
For developers looking to integrate "@next/env" into their Next.js projects, the process is straightforward with the command `npm install @next/env`. This installation ensures that environment variables are handled efficiently, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information and allowing for a more organized configuration management system. The package automatically prioritizes environment-specific files, which means that variables in `.env.production` will override those in `.env` when in a production environment, ensuring that the correct configurations are always in use. This feature is particularly beneficial for maintaining consistency and accuracy in application settings across various deployment stages.
Core dependencies of this npm package and its dev dependencies.
@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, @babel/preset-flow, @babel/preset-react, @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss, @mdx-js/loader, @svgr/webpack, @testing-library/react, @types/cheerio, @types/fs-extra, @types/http-proxy, @types/jest, @types/string-hash, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, @zeit/next-css, @zeit/next-sass, @zeit/next-typescript, abort-controller, alex, amphtml-validator, async-sema, babel-core, babel-eslint, babel-jest, browserslist, browserstack-local, cheerio, clone, cookie, cors, coveralls, critters, cross-env, cross-spawn, escape-string-regexp, eslint, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-jest, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-react-hooks, execa, express, faker, faunadb, firebase, fs-extra, get-port, glob, gzip-size, image-size, is-animated, isomorphic-unfetch, jest, ky, ky-universal, lerna, lint-staged, lost, minimatch, moment, node-fetch, node-notifier, node-sass, npm-run-all, nprogress, pixrem, pnpm, postcss-nested, postcss-pseudoelements, postcss-short-size, postcss-trolling, pre-commit, prettier, pretty-bytes, pretty-ms, react, react-dom, react-ssr-prepass, release, request-promise-core, rimraf, seedrandom, selenium-standalone, selenium-webdriver, shell-quote, sqlite, sqlite3, styled-components, styled-jsx-plugin-postcss, tailwindcss, taskr, tree-kill, typescript, wait-port, web-streams-polyfill, webpack-bundle-analyzer, worker-loader
A README file for the @next/env code repository. View Code