NestJS Google Cloud Pub/Sub Microservice Transport
Integrating cloud-based messaging services into applications can significantly enhance scalability and functionality. The npm package "nestjs-google-pubsub-microservice" is specifically designed to provide such integration for NestJS applications using Google Cloud Pub/Sub. This package simplifies the process of implementing asynchronous messaging patterns, allowing developers to send and receive messages between different parts of their application or between different applications altogether. By leveraging Google Cloud Pub/Sub, this package ensures reliable and secure message delivery on a global scale, which is crucial for systems that require high availability and resilience.
To start using this powerful package in your NestJS project, you can easily add it by running the command `npm install nestjs-google-pubsub-microservice`. This will install the necessary module to enable communication with Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Once installed, developers can quickly configure their services to publish messages to a topic or subscribe to a topic to receive messages. This setup not only makes it easier to build microservices architectures but also facilitates better separation of concerns and cleaner code.
The "nestjs-google-pubsub-microservice" package is built to fully support the robust features of Google Cloud Pub/Sub, including real-time message streaming and per-message retry capabilities. It integrates seamlessly into the NestJS framework, which is known for its efficient handling of server-side applications with a modular approach. This integration empowers developers to focus more on developing business logic rather than worrying about the underlying communication infrastructure. Whether you are building an e-commerce system, a real-time analytics engine, or a simple notification service, using this package can help streamline your development process and enhance the overall performance of your applications.
Core dependencies of this npm package and its dev dependencies.
@commitlint/cli, @commitlint/config-angular, @google-cloud/pubsub, @nestjs/common, @nestjs/core, @nestjs/microservices, @nestjs/platform-express, @nestjs/testing, @types/chai, @types/jest, @types/node, @types/sinon, @types/supertest, @types/uuid, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, chai, eslint, eslint-config-prettier, eslint-plugin-prettier, husky, jest, lint-staged, prettier, reflect-metadata, release-it, rxjs, sinon, supertest, ts-jest, ts-loader, ts-node, typescript
A README file for the nestjs-google-pubsub-microservice code repository. View Code
Pub/Sub is an asynchronous messaging service that decouples services that produce events from services that process events.
You can use Pub/Sub as messaging-oriented middleware or event ingestion and delivery for streaming analytics pipelines.
Pub/Sub offers durable message storage and real-time message delivery with high availability and consistent performance at scale
To start building Pub/Sub-based microservices, first install the required packages:
$ npm i --save @google-cloud/pubsub nestjs-google-pubsub-microservice
To use the Pub/Sub transporter, pass the following options object to the createMicroservice()
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(
strategy: new GCPubSubServer({
topic: 'cats_topic',
subscription: 'cats_subscription',
client: {
projectId: 'microservice',
The options
property is specific to the chosen transporter. The GCloud Pub/Sub transporter exposes the properties described below.
topic |
Topic name which your server subscription will belong to |
subscription |
Subscription name which your server will listen to |
replyTopic |
Topic name which your client subscription will belong to |
replySubscription |
Subscription name which your client will listen to |
noAck |
If false , manual acknowledgment mode enabled |
init |
If false , topics and subscriptions will not be created, only validated |
checkExistence |
If false , topics and subscriptions will not be checked, only used. This only applies when init is false |
useAttributes |
Only applicable for client. If true , pattern and correlationId will be sent via message attributes. This is useful if message consumer is not NestJs microservice or you have message filtering on subscription |
client |
Additional client options (read more here) |
publisher |
Additional topic publisher options (read more here) |
subscriber |
Additional subscriber options (read more here) |
scopedEnvKey |
Scope topics and subscriptions to avoid losing messages when several people are working on the same code base. Will prefixes topics and subscriptions with this key (read more here) |
const client = new GCPubSubClient({
client: {
apiEndpoint: 'localhost:8681',
projectId: 'microservice',
.send('pattern', 'Hello world!')
.subscribe((response) => console.log(response));
In more sophisticated scenarios, you may want to access more information about the incoming request. When using the Pub/Sub transporter, you can access the GCPubSubContext
getNotifications(@Payload() data: number[], @Ctx() context: GCPubSubContext) {
console.log(`Pattern: ${context.getPattern()}`);
To access the original Pub/Sub message (with the attributes
, data
, ack
and nack
), use the getMessage()
method of the GCPubSubContext
object, as follows:
getNotifications(@Payload() data: number[], @Ctx() context: GCPubSubContext) {
To make sure a message is never lost, Pub/Sub supports message acknowledgements. An acknowledgement is sent back by the consumer to tell Pub/Sub that a particular message has been received, processed and that Pub/Sub is free to delete it. If a consumer dies (its subscription is closed, connection is closed, or TCP connection is lost) without sending an ack, Pub/Sub will understand that a message wasn't processed fully and will re-deliver it.
To enable manual acknowledgment mode, set the noAck
property to false
replyTopic: 'cats_topic_reply',
replySubscription: 'cats_subscription_reply',
noAck: false,
client: {
projectId: 'microservice',
When manual consumer acknowledgements are turned on, we must send a proper acknowledgement from the worker to signal that we are done with a task.
getNotifications(@Payload() data: number[], @Ctx() context: GCPubSubContext) {
const originalMsg = context.getMessage();
Pub/Sub requires a graceful shutdown properly configured in order to work correctly, otherwise some messages acknowledges can be lost. Therefore, don't forget to call client close:
export class GCPubSubController implements OnApplicationShutdown {
client: ClientProxy;
constructor() {
this.client = new GCPubSubClient({});
onApplicationShutdown() {
return this.client.close();